Programming Project #1

  • Accuracy Metric #1:
    This metric measures how many truss strokes your recognizer correctly found for each truss sketch.  In other words:
    • (# of model truss strokes your recognizer found) / (# of model truss strokes)
  • Accuracy Metric #2:
    This metric measures how many of the truss strokes correctly found are actually in the model truss strokes.  In other words:
    • (# of truss strokes your recognizer found that are also in model truss strokes) / (# of truss strokes your recognizer found)
  • Overall Accuracies:
    This measurement lists the averages of both the first and second accuracy metrics.  In other words:
    • (sum of accuracies) / (number of data files)

Code: Thursday, Sep. 30th @ 11:59 PM
Report: Tuesday, Oct. 5th @ start of class (paper form)

This project will involve recognizing trusses. You will first provide sketching data of the trusses and label them. Afterwards, you will build a recognizer using a library of corner-finding algorithms for recognizing trusses.

This programming project consists of at least three steps. The requirements will be updated throughout the week.

This section will give you more information to begin the assignment, especially if you are new to the tools used in sketch recognition.